Burton Hitchhiker er basert på Spark R&D sin plattform, men Burton har gjort den til sin egen med justeringene som er gjort. Med sin egen highback og egne stropper er du sikret en ekstra god passform dersom du velger sko fra Burton, men sko fra andre produsenter passer selvsagt også godt.
Powder Stashes and Untracked Bowls Await
Comfortable on the up, capable on the down. Get in the fast lane with the Burton Hitchhiker Splitboard Bindings. Dialed for the reliable performance that backcountry riding requires, it'll be 10 miles from the trailhead when you truly appreciate the comfort, strength, and proven performance of this Burton x Spark R&D brainchild. The Spark Tesla T1 baseplate makes for quick, simple transitions, and our proven strap system sets you up to get lap after lap.